Project Description

Rowlett Road was improved by the City in three phases. G&A was retained to design Phase 2 between Century Drive and Miller Road, and Phase 3 between Miller Road and the southern City limit at Lake Ray Hubbard.

Phase 2 was 0.5-mile and involved the removal of a 4-lane divided road in poor condition, and replacement with a 6-lane divided road. Federal funds were used for the paving and drainage portion, which was designed to TxDOT standards and required a local letting. As the water and sanitary sewer improvements were funded by the City, they were designed to their standards. TxDOT clearance was obtained by a subconsultant for an environmental document that covered culvert and channel improvements in Long Branch.

The initial scope for Phase 3 involved the removal and replacement of a 2-lane divided road due to poor condition. G&A took the initiative to inventory the pavement condition and offered a rehabilitation alternative that was subsequently approved by the Council. This alternative saved the City over $5 million in capital cost. The $2.2 million rehabilitation construction contract included panel replacement, new sidewalk, and water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer upgrades.

Address: 3810 Rowlett Rd, Rowlett, TX 75088