Project Description

G&A is the prime consultant on this multimodal road and bridge project that replaces a 2-lane asphalt road with a 4-lane divided concrete road. The design includes two 1,500-foot long bridges; two 130-foot tall City monument towers; two 60-foot tall canopy towers with overlook platforms; 1.5 miles of trails that form part of the Six Cities Trail Plan; water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements; and channel modifications that result in no increase in the Rowlett Creek floodplain elevations. In addition to civil, structural and electrical engineering, the scope of work includes environmental permitting; hydraulic modeling for a CLOMR and a LOMR; topographic and property surveying; right-of-way and easement documents; and bidding and construction administration services.

The design team achieved G&A’s goal of not needing a Section 404 Individual Permit by limiting the impacts on environmentally sensitive areas. Regional Toll Revenue is funding 80% of the project, Dallas County is funding 10%, and the City is funding the remaining 10%. Bids were opened in November of 2015 and the $24.8 million low bid was awarded to Texas Sterling. Construction is scheduled for completion in 2018.

Address: 2600 Pleasant Valley Rd, Garland, TX 75040